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Innovator Series

The Alosant Innovator Series features one-on-one conversations with April LaMon, Co-Founder and CEO of Alosant, and her trusted experts.

Discussions include invaluable insights from a diverse group of forward-thinking and well-respected leaders in real estate development, PropTech, lifestyle marketing and more.

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Latest Episode

Industry experts on the homebuyer experience

The home buying experience is inherently stressful. In the current market, various factors impact the homebuyer's emotions and the outcome of the purchasing experience. 

In Episode 35 of the Alosant Innovator Series, we revisit conversations with industry experts on how to approach the home buying experience, highlighting insights about what drives decision-making and how to approach the process through the lens of the buyer.

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Inspire, Educate, Deliver

The Alosant Innovator Series features one-on-one conversations with April LaMon,
Co-Founder and CEO of Alosant, and her trusted experts.

Discussions include invaluable insights from a diverse group of forward-thinking and
well-respected leaders in real estate development, PropTech, lifestyle marketing and more. Each episode is designed to inspire, educate, and deliver key takeaways from the brightest minds in the industry.

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About Our Host

April is the CEO and Co-Founder of Alosant, and is an experienced entrepreneur and real estate technology expert with an innate curiosity for consumer behavior. Together with Co-Founder Michael Swanson, the duo has pioneered the creation of purpose-built software that connects real estate developers and their communities with residents, prospective home buyers and local businesses.

Alosant-powered apps allow users to seamlessly engage with their community by providing a solution that helps them stay informed while receiving relevant content.

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About Alosant

About Alosant

Alosant provides branded mobile apps to the leading master-planned communites across the United States.

The Alosant ResX™ Community Branded App Platform is the single destination for residents and home shoppers, bringing everything about a community together in one place. 

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